Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Proverbs 1

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 ESV

This is a verse that surfaces for me and always has at various times in my life. Usually when I am questioning something and out of nowhere comes this verse. I could be singing a song on the radio or just sitting in quiet. It comes to me and I am no longer surprised when it happens.

I would never want to be a "fool" so wanting to gain wisdom is something to be worked at for sure. I am happy to gain wisdom.

Instruction, I love that too. I love when the Lord directs my steps.

Let's change this verse around a bit. Let's look at the TLB (The Living Bible),

How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord! Only fools refuse to be taught. Listen to your father and mother. What you learn from them will stand you in good stead, it will gain you many honors.

Now in the EXB,

Knowledge begins with respect (fear;awe) for the Lord, but fools hate (despise) wisdom and discipline (self-control;instruction).

DISCIPLINE? That makes this a new ball game for me. Discipline is difficult to handle but if you are a parent you know that it's hard on both ends. It's necessary. It's how we learn.

I wrote a song years ago called "In The Fire". The lyrics are these:

In the fire, to learn to obey. Take my life, daily teach your ways.

I wrote that during a tough time in my life. I was told I might have cancer. Did I think God might have allowed the cancer as a punishment. No I didn't. I felt that it was another chance for me to trust in the Lord and not in man. To follow harder, to devote more time to learning how to fully depend on Him. As it turned out I didn't have cancer and that surgery resulted in the birth of my miracle girl. But, I accepted that this was a walk I was given and I had something to learn it in.

Don't dispise discipline.